All Classes and Interfaces

A user-defined aggregate function needs to implement this interface.
A user-defined aggregate function needs to implement this interface.
Creates a backup of a database.
Provides information for type casts and comparison operations.
Allows changing the database file encryption password or algorithm.
Represents a database object comment.
A tool to losslessly compress data, and expand the compressed data again.
Encapsulates the connection settings, including user name and password.
Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, as well as the TCP and PG server.
Constants are fixed values that are used in the whole database code.
Converts a .trace.db file to a SQL script and Java source code.
Creates a cluster from a stand-alone database.
A class that implement this interface can be used to validate credentials provided by client.
A facility to read from and write to CSV (comma separated values) files.
There is one database object per open database.
A class that implements this interface can get notified about exceptions and other events.
A database object such as a table, an index, or a user.
This class contains various database-level settings.
Deletes all files belonging to a database.
The engine contains a map of all open databases.
This class defines the error codes used for SQL exceptions.
This class implements the native full text search.
Trigger updates the index when a inserting, updating, or deleting a row.
This class implements the full text search based on Apache Lucene.
Trigger updates the index when a inserting, updating, or deleting a row.
Modes of generated keys' gathering.
Console for environments with AWT support.
Data types of H2.
The settings of one full text search index.
INTERVAL representation for result sets.
Interval qualifier.
Level of isolation.
Custom serialization mechanism for java objects being stored in column of type OTHER.
Represents an ARRAY value.
Represents a batch update database exception.
Represents a BLOB value.
Represents a callable statement.
Represents a CLOB value.
Represents a connection (session) to a database.
A simple standalone JDBC connection pool.
Allows us to compile on older platforms, while still implementing the methods from the newer JDBC API.
Represents the meta data for a database.
A data source for H2 database connections.
Allows us to compile on older platforms, while still implementing the methods from the newer JDBC API.
This class is used to create new DataSource objects.
This interface contains additional methods for database exceptions.
Represents a large object value.
State of the object.
Information about the parameters of a prepared statement.
Represents a prepared statement.
Represents a result set.
Represents the meta data for a ResultSet.
A savepoint is a point inside a transaction to where a transaction can be rolled back.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a database exception.
Represents a SQLXML value.
Represents a statement.
This class provides support for distributed transactions.
An object of this class represents a transaction id.
A record in the system table of the database.
The compatibility modes.
When CHAR values are right-padded with spaces.
Generation of column names for expressions.
Generation of column names for expressions to be used in a view.
A tool to help an application execute multi-dimensional range queries.
Determines how rows with NULL values in indexed columns are handled in unique indexes, unique constraints, or by unique predicate.
Represents a procedure.
Maintains query statistics.
The collected statistics for one query.
Helps recovering a corrupted database.
Restores a H2 database by extracting the database files from a .zip file.
An access right.
A right owner (sometimes called principal).
Represents a role.
Runs a SQL script against a database.
Creates a SQL script file by extracting the schema and data of a database.
Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, TCP, and PG server.
A local or remote session.
Dynamic settings.
Static settings.
A session represents an embedded database connection.
Represents a savepoint (a position in a transaction to where one can roll back to).
An LOB object with a timeout.
The client side part of a session when using the server mode.
A persistent database setting.
The base class for settings.
Interactive command line tool to access a database using JDBC.
This class is a simple result set and meta data implementation.
A simple array implementation, backed by an object array
This interface is for classes that create rows on demand.
The constants defined in this class are initialized from system properties.
A class that implements this interface can create custom table implementations.
A class that implements this interface can be used as a trigger.
An adapter for the trigger interface that allows to use the ResultSet interface instead of a row array.
Upgrade utility.
Represents a user object.
A class that implement this interface can be used during authentication to map external users to database roles.