Package org.h2.api

Interface DatabaseEventListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DatabaseEventListener extends EventListener
A class that implements this interface can get notified about exceptions and other events. A database event listener can be registered when connecting to a database. Example database URL: jdbc:h2:./test;DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER='com.acme.DbListener'
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    This state is used during the BACKUP command.
    static final int
    This state is used when re-creating an index.
    static final int
    This state is used after re-connecting to a database (if auto-reconnect is enabled).
    static final int
    This state is used when re-applying the transaction log or rolling back uncommitted transactions.
    static final int
    This state is used when scanning the database file.
    static final int
    This state is used when a query ends.
    static final int
    This state is used for periodic notification during long-running queries.
    static final int
    This state is used when a query starts.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    This method is called before the database is closed normally.
    default void
    This method is called if an exception occurred.
    default void
    init(String url)
    This method is called just after creating the object.
    default void
    This method is called after the database has been opened.
    default void
    setProgress(int state, String name, long x, long max)
    This method is called for long running events, such as recovering, scanning a file or building an index.
  • Field Details


      static final int STATE_SCAN_FILE
      This state is used when scanning the database file.
      See Also:

      static final int STATE_CREATE_INDEX
      This state is used when re-creating an index.
      See Also:

      static final int STATE_RECOVER
      This state is used when re-applying the transaction log or rolling back uncommitted transactions.
      See Also:

      static final int STATE_BACKUP_FILE
      This state is used during the BACKUP command.
      See Also:

      static final int STATE_RECONNECTED
      This state is used after re-connecting to a database (if auto-reconnect is enabled).
      See Also:

      static final int STATE_STATEMENT_START
      This state is used when a query starts.
      See Also:

      static final int STATE_STATEMENT_END
      This state is used when a query ends.
      See Also:

      static final int STATE_STATEMENT_PROGRESS
      This state is used for periodic notification during long-running queries.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • init

      default void init(String url)
      This method is called just after creating the object. This is done when opening the database if the listener is specified in the database URL, but may be later if the listener is set at runtime with the SET SQL statement.
      url - - the database URL
    • opened

      default void opened()
      This method is called after the database has been opened. It is safe to connect to the database and execute statements at this point.
    • exceptionThrown

      default void exceptionThrown(SQLException e, String sql)
      This method is called if an exception occurred.
      e - the exception
      sql - the SQL statement
    • setProgress

      default void setProgress(int state, String name, long x, long max)
      This method is called for long running events, such as recovering, scanning a file or building an index.

      More states might be added in future versions, therefore implementations should silently ignore states that they don't understand.

      state - the state
      name - the object name
      x - the current position
      max - the highest possible value or 0 if unknown
    • closingDatabase

      default void closingDatabase()
      This method is called before the database is closed normally. It is safe to connect to the database and execute statements at this point, however the connection must be closed before the method returns.