Package org.h2.api

Interface Trigger

All Known Implementing Classes:
FullText.FullTextTrigger, FullTextLucene.FullTextTrigger, TriggerAdapter

public interface Trigger
A class that implements this interface can be used as a trigger.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The trigger is called for DELETE statements.
    static final int
    The trigger is called for INSERT statements.
    static final int
    The trigger is called for SELECT statements.
    static final int
    The trigger is called for UPDATE statements.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    This method is called when the database is closed.
    fire(Connection conn, Object[] oldRow, Object[] newRow)
    This method is called for each triggered action.
    default void
    init(Connection conn, String schemaName, String triggerName, String tableName, boolean before, int type)
    This method is called by the database engine once when initializing the trigger.
    default void
    This method is called when the trigger is dropped.
  • Field Details

    • INSERT

      static final int INSERT
      The trigger is called for INSERT statements.
      See Also:
    • UPDATE

      static final int UPDATE
      The trigger is called for UPDATE statements.
      See Also:
    • DELETE

      static final int DELETE
      The trigger is called for DELETE statements.
      See Also:
    • SELECT

      static final int SELECT
      The trigger is called for SELECT statements.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • init

      default void init(Connection conn, String schemaName, String triggerName, String tableName, boolean before, int type) throws SQLException
      This method is called by the database engine once when initializing the trigger. It is called when the trigger is created, as well as when the database is opened. The type of operation is a bit field with the appropriate flags set. As an example, if the trigger is of type INSERT and UPDATE, then the parameter type is set to (INSERT | UPDATE).
      conn - a connection to the database (a system connection)
      schemaName - the name of the schema
      triggerName - the name of the trigger used in the CREATE TRIGGER statement
      tableName - the name of the table
      before - whether the fire method is called before or after the operation is performed
      type - the operation type: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, or a combination (this parameter is a bit field)
      SQLException - on SQL exception
    • fire

      void fire(Connection conn, Object[] oldRow, Object[] newRow) throws SQLException
      This method is called for each triggered action. The method is called immediately when the operation occurred (before it is committed). A transaction rollback will also rollback the operations that were done within the trigger, if the operations occurred within the same database. If the trigger changes state outside the database, a rollback trigger should be used.

      The row arrays contain all columns of the table, in the same order as defined in the table.

      The trigger itself may change the data in the newRow array.

      conn - a connection to the database
      oldRow - the old row, or null if no old row is available (for INSERT)
      newRow - the new row, or null if no new row is available (for DELETE)
      SQLException - if the operation must be undone
    • close

      default void close() throws SQLException
      This method is called when the database is closed. If the method throws an exception, it will be logged, but closing the database will continue.
      SQLException - on SQL exception
    • remove

      default void remove() throws SQLException
      This method is called when the trigger is dropped.
      SQLException - on SQL exception